Saturday, January 7, 2012

new year - new name.

I have had this blog since December 2008 and was never quite happy with the name "And then I  said.....".  Even though it made sense in my head, it just never inspired me much.  I think a tittle is so important for so many reasons.  It has to be short and sweet, catchy, have a nice ring and it needs to have personality.  After much thought I think I came up with a good one.  I simply asked myself...."Maria what makes you happy?"  The answer is very and chocolate.  So here I am again.  I hope to bring you great recipes, practical information and just fun thoughts.

I truly hope this year brings you everything you want.  Laughs, Love and lots of Cafe con Chocolate!

Happy New Year!


Petrea Burchard said...

Cafe con Chocolate--two of my favorite things! Happy new year mon amie!

mick huerta said...

I really like the changes and am relieved that the "voice" still speaks of you and what sparks your taste buds. Brava, Maria!